Energy-efficient servers: The heart of green hosting

January 11, 2024
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Dmitry Ermakov
Energy-efficient servers: The heart of green hosting

Web servers play a crucial role in delivering the online experiences we’ve come to depend on. However, the environmental impact of these servers is a growing concern.

Thankfully, the evolution of green web hosting and energy-efficient web server technology is playing a significant role in reducing the emissions of our digital society to ensure a cleaner world.

The energy demands of web servers

As the backbone of the internet, web servers deliver web content to our browsers. From hosting simple websites to powering complex applications, servers handle a complexity of tasks that make our online experiences possible.

But as the demand for online services continues to grow, the environmental impact of servers becomes a pressing issue. The energy consumption of these servers, along with the associated carbon emissions, has led to a quest for more sustainable and eco-friendly solutions.

A typical server consists of various parts, including the central processing unit (CPU), graphics processing unit (GPU), memory, storage, and networking components. Each of these components contributes to the overall energy demands of the server.

To understand the energy consumption of servers, let’s break down the components:

  • Central Processing Unit (CPU): As the brain of the server, the CPU is responsible for executing instructions and requires maximum energy to maintain peak performance.
  • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): GPUs are crucial for tasks like rendering graphics, resulting in high energy consumption. But GPUs are also responsible for most visual displays, meaning they run off a consistent supply of energy.
  • Memory (RAM): RAM is the temporary storage for data that the CPU needs to access quickly, requiring bursts of large amounts of energy to operate consistently.
  • Storage: Traditional Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) are traditionally used in server storage which demands a lot of energy to remain functional.
  • Networking components: The energy demands of network interfaces and switches contribute to the overall server power consumption.

The goal of server efficiency

Over the years, there has been a notable shift in server technology towards energy efficiency. This evolution has been driven by the need to reduce environmental impact and operational costs.

Advances in hardware design, manufacturing processes, and the use of more energy-efficient components have played an important role in making servers greener.

Server efficiency is a measure of how effectively a server utilises the energy it consumes to perform its tasks. Inefficient servers not only contribute to higher energy bills but also result in unnecessary environmental impact.

Achieving high server efficiency involves optimising hardware and software configurations to maximise performance while minimising energy consumption.

Advancements in energy-efficient server technology

Energy efficiency is not just about individual servers but extends to the entire data centre infrastructure. By ensuring that servers operate at peak efficiency and that data centres are designed with energy efficiency in mind, the environmental impact can be significantly reduced.

CPU and GPU efficiency

Modern CPUs and GPUs are designed with energy-efficient architectures to deliver higher performance per watt. Techniques like dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) allow processors to adjust their power consumption based on workload, reducing energy usage during idle periods.

Cleaner SSDs

The choice of storage technology also plays a crucial role in server efficiency. Solid State Drives (SSDs), compared to traditional HDDs, consume less power, generate less heat, and provide faster data access. This not only benefits performance but also contributes to the overall energy efficiency of the server.

Server design and configuration innovations

Innovations in server design like blade servers and modular architectures deliver more efficient use of space and resources. Additionally, advancements in server management tools allow for dynamic allocation of resources, ensuring that servers operate at optimal efficiency based on demand.

Server virtualisation

Server virtualisation is a game-changer for web hosting energy efficiency. This technology involves consolidating and running multiple virtual servers on a single physical machine which increases hardware utilisation and reduces energy use.

Virtualisation allows for dynamic allocation of resources based on demand, which allows servers to scale up or down depending on need.

It also isolates virtual servers for improved security and reduces the demand for resources across different servers, which reduces energy usage.

Efficient data center infrastructure

A powerful approach to reducing energy consumption is to ensure data centre infrastructure is adapted to maximise efficiency. This means looking for ways to reduce energy consumption without compromising functionality.

For example, data centre cooling systems are a significant contributor to energy consumption in data centres. However, advancements in cooling technologies such as liquid cooling and free cooling are reducing energy costs.

Hot aisle containment and cold aisle containment are strategies to manage airflow within a data centre. Liquid cooling, where a special coolant is circulated to absorb and dissipate heat, is gaining traction for its ability to efficiently cool servers while minimising energy usage.

Monitoring and managing server efficiency

To keep your server consistently operating efficiently requires monitoring and management tools. These tools help you to track server performance, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions to optimise energy usage.

Monitoring tools provide real-time insights into server performance metrics, energy consumption, and temperature. Practices like load balancing, workload optimisation, and proactive maintenance will result in continuous efficiency.

Additionally, automated management systems leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to optimise server performance. These systems help to predict potential issues, automate routine maintenance tasks, and dynamically adjust resource allocation for maximum efficiency.

The future of energy-efficient hosting

As technology continues to evolve, so too will the quest for energy-efficient hosting solutions. Emerging trends in server hardware and data centre design could shape the future of widespread digital sustainability.

  • More energy-efficient processors: We can expect continued advancements in processor efficiency, driven by research into new materials and architectures.
  • Renewable energy integration: Data centres will increasingly turn to renewable energy sources to power their operations, further reducing the environmental impact of hosting services.
  • Edge computing: The improvements in edge computing will deliver computing resources closer to end-users, reducing the need for long-distance data transfers, and thereby lowering energy consumption.
  • AI and machine learning: These evolving technologies are poised to revolutionise server management. A study by DELL explores how AI and ML can optimise server performance, predict failures, and automate resource allocation, resulting in superior levels of efficiency.


The journey towards sustainable and eco-friendly hosting begins with recognising the impact of servers on the environment. By understanding server energy consumption, embracing energy-efficient technologies, and implementing best practices in data centre design and management, businesses can contribute to a greener digital future.

Businesses must prioritise energy efficiency in their hosting decisions. By collectively steering towards green web servers, we can ensure that the heart of our digital world beats in harmony with the planet.

Dmitry Ermakov

Dmitry is our our Head of Engineering. He's been with WeAreBrain since the inception of the company, bringing solid experience in software development as well as project management.

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